Antioxidants in the tea leaves are nearly exhausted after black tea is processed whereas in green tea, almost all of its antioxidants are left in the leaves after processing.

Black Tea Processing
The following are the basic processing of black tea.
1. Harvesting
2. Withering - the leaves are spread and left to dry.
3. Rolling - the leaves are twisted and rolled either by hand or machinery. This process breaks or cracks the surface of the leaves exposing it to oxygen.
4. Oxidation or fermentation - the leaves are left to dry for several hours until it is about 80% dry.
5. Drying - the leaves further dried by applying heat without burning the leaves. This stops the oxidation process.
Green Tea Processing
This process differs a little bit from the way black tea is processed.
1. Harvesting
2. Withering
3. Drying
As you can see, the steps that can oxidize the leaves, rolling and oxidation, are omitted leaving the antioxidant content of the leaves almost intact.
Green Tea are more health than Black Tea because Green Tea has antioxidant content.
Our body can absorb only a small percentage of the antioxidants in tea. By combining it with citrus juices or vitamin c, our body's absorption of the antioxidants in tea can multiply more than 5 times.